Wednesday 26 June 2013

Staff Comedy Sports

As I've said before, evening programs are always looked forward to. And when they involve staff they are even more highly anticipated. Staff comedy sports is an evening program where ALL the staff get up on stage in Happy Camper Hall and perform theater games including Do Ron Ron, Party Quirks, What are You Doing?, and many more. The more ridiculous we get the better! It's always a fun program, and the kids love it when we get them up on stage. As with most things at camp, the more into it the staff get, the more into it the kids get. And I LOVE the opportunity to be ridiculous!

Activities at Camp

Agawak offers around 40 different activities for the campers. They range from traditional camp activities such as candle making, riflery, archery, arts and crafts and all kinds of sports. We also offer a massive water front including swimming, canoeing and kayaking, sailing, skiing, log rolling, sailing, fishing, and snorkeling. The opportunities are endless here! Below are some photos of some of the fun we have!

Sunday 23 June 2013

Kawaga Social

Socials are great ways to meet people from other camps. And when you go to an all girls camp that means one things. Boys! Kawaga is our brother camp on the next lake over and a Kawaga social is always a fun event. This time we had a neon theme. And let's just say I went all out...

Walmart - the best way to spend your camp check

What else is there to do on a night off? Laundry and Wal-mart! The best fun ever!

Blue and White

Some of you may be familiar with colour wars. Well Agawak has them. Blue and White. Inside the heart of every camper beats a blue or white heart. You are born onto a team, it runs in families, and it is one of the most anticipated and seriously taken activities at camp. You fight for your team. You bleed for your team. You love your team. Blue and White is the best! But you never, ever take it back to the cabin! Here are some pics of us getting into the Blue and White fun!

Casino Night

Every year at camp one of our evening programs is the ever popular Casino Night. It is a night of fun, games, music, costumes and earning Agawak dollars. The more Agawak dollars a cabin can earn during a session the bigger the auction prize they can bid on.

Log Rolling

This year Mary invested in some key logs for camp. Here are some pictures of the staff learning how to use them so we can teach the campers. This is officially one of the most popular activities at camp right now and SO MUCH FUN! I actually want to invest in one of these for the pool!

A Lesson In S'mores

It is a life changing moment in an international staff member’s life, the first time they are handed the roasting stick by a campfire. As the squishy white mallow browns and crisps over the flames a graham cracker and piece of chocolate sit idly by, waiting.
This is a s’more. Possibly the most infamous American delicacy around, and definitely the most popular camp food. It’s gooey, sticky, chocolately and devilishly delectable. The combination of marshmallow, chocolate and cracker are indescribably amazing. As the mallow oozes out over your fingers and face you can’t help but grin. This is summer camp.
Step one: Find a good pointy stick. One with multiple prongs is the best. Affix mallows to stick. Hold stick far enough away from the flames that the mallow doesn’t catch on fire, but close enough that it begins to cook and melt.
Step two: load a graham cracker with a piece of chocolate.
Step three: when the mallow is cooked place it on top of the chocolate. Get another graham cracker and put it on top of all three items making a sandwich.
Step four: squeeze it together and bite!
Step five: find heaven.

The First Night

The first day and night of camp is always one of the most exciting, stressful, sleep deprived and amazing ones of camp. When the campers climb off the buses fresh faced and ready for a great summer the excitement levels at camp just explode. The energy increases tenfold. It’s an addictive feeling.
With screams and cheers and songs we guide the buses in to camp and help the campers unload. Veteran campers, first years, rookie campers – all of them so happy to be here. We gather by the picnic tables as Mary, the camp director, calls out cabins and counsellors. Photos are taken and then the girls RUN to their new cabins to claim the best bunk.
Now is the big part. Unpacking. Each camper brings two large duffels with everything they will need for the summer. In my three years at camp I still have no idea how it all fits on one small shelf but these kids have got it down to an art form. The cabin transforms. What was once an empty shell is now full of colour and fun and life. Beds are made, bunk junk is hung, towels are loaded onto a shelf and ten toothbrushes line the bathroom sink. This is our summer home.
After dinner we all move to Happy Camper Hall for the much awaited staff show. We perform songs (parodies that explain camp), skits and dances. There is a video with staff introductions and activity explanations and we end the whole thing off with another big song and dance number.
Back to the cabins for our first night talks – cabin rules, camp rules, getting to know you games and catching up on a year apart. Candy is consumed, jokes are told, songs are sung and it’s hard to remember the agreed upon lights out time. But eventually it is in to bed and off to sleep so that we can do it all again tomorrow!

Pre-Camp 2013

Some people might think that attending pre camp for the third time would be boring. Well, they’d be wrong. The thrill of meeting in Milwaukee, going to the baseball, riding the bus for four hours and meeting all the new staff never gets old. Even if the Brewers never do win a game.

Pre camp for Agawak consists of the International staff arriving on Sunday June 9 in the evening. We get put into pre camp cabins and usually get an early night. Jet lag really blows. On the Tuesday the American staff arrive, bringing with them a whole new level of excitement. We attend lectures, perform skits, and get to know each other, go bowling, do a ropes course and build a united staff for the summer.

We find out our co counsellors on the Saturday and it is one of the most highly anticipated moments of pre camp. Not only by the staff but by the campers. Returning staff members are bombarded with texts, emails and letters from campers wanting to know who their counsellors are and what cabin they will be in. And it’s really, really hard keeping it a secret.

Wednesday the 19th of June dawns and camp waits, hanging and holding its breath as we prepare for the arrival of the five giant buses of screaming, excited girls. Last minute bunk arrangements are completed. The activity areas are all prepared and plans made. The lake is refreshing. The sun is out.

We are ready!